Saturday, September 16, 2017

CNN segment goes into meltdown over ‘inappropriate’ comments

BOOBS. That one little word caused a meltdown on CNN, forcing host Brooke Baldwin to cut off her guests’ mics and pull the plug.


That word does tend to inflame a certain passion in people. Today it was the catalyst for an extraordinary meltdown on CNN, which ended with anchor Brooke Baldwin cutting off her guests’ mics and pulling the plug.
Ms Baldwin was hosting a panel discussion between ESPN Magazine writer Keith Reed and sports radio host Clay Travis. They were supposed to be discussing ESPN anchor Jemele Hill, whom the White House has called to be fired for labelling President Donald Trump a white supremacist.

This is Jemele Hill. She said some pretty blunt things about the President. Pic: AP

Ms Hill’s supporters say she should not be sacked for exercising her right to free speech, enshrined in the US Constitution’s First Amendment. Others, such as Mr Travis, believe it would be hypocritical for ESPN to do nothing, given its some of its staff have been disciplined before for saying the wrong thing.
There’s the context. But it all got blown away pretty quickly when Mr Travis, for no apparent reason, brought boobs into the discussion.
“I believe in only two things completely. The First Amendment, and boobs,” Mr Travis said, before nonchalantly carrying on with his argument.
“Wait, did you just say?” Ms Baldwin interjected. “Wait, hold on, hold on, hold on, I just want to make sure I heard you correctly, as a woman anchoring this show. What did you just say? You believe in the First Amendment and ...”
“Boobs,” Mr Travis replied, emphatically. “Two things that have never let me down in this country’s history, the First Amendment and boobs. So those are the only two things I believe in absolutely in the country.”

At that point Mr Reed jumped in, berating Mr Travis for being a bit of an idiot. Ms Baldwin was still working out exactly what he had said.
“I just want to make sure I’m hearing you correctly, b-o-o-z-e, or b-o-o-b-s, because as a woman, I’m ...” she started to say.
“I said boobs. I believe in the First Amendment, and in boobs,” Mr Travis reiterated.
“Why would you even say that on national television, and with a female host?” she asked.
“I say it live on the radio all the time, because it’s true, and that’s what I do. Because I like boobs and First Amendment, which is exactly what I said.”


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