Relationship Quotes

This is 21st century, an era where virtually everything can be learnt, love inclusive, love is no longer magical the way our forefathers and fathers perceived it, it is psychological and could be studied as a social science or as an art. As a love scientist and philosopher I have come to teach you how every human relationship can be born:

Every of human relationship is born, first, out of visual attraction and outward appealing traits exhibited by people. It mattered less about how superlative your inner qualities. Your appearance must be twice as nice.

According to #FTG, If you're not superlative on the outside, a person may never know how inherently virtuous you are. The reason be that, you must first have an appealing attraction before character validation.

 This is commonly the nature of a male figure. Men are visual creatures that they are designed to be moved, first, by what they See.

They will like to admire in less cases the original beauty of a lady and in most cases the superficial beauty and attractive endowments of the female folks before any form of content validation or character evaluation.

Friend, in realistic standpoint, it is impossible to see through a lady's inherent virtues without contacts and interactions. Unless one is possessed with Higher Spirit.

Men are seekers, that's why the Bible said the man that finds a good wife, finds a good thing, he will not appreciate your inner goodness without outward validation, So ladies get dressed but not in nudity, or masquerading awkwardly. There should be moderation in all things. But when he comes, don't forget your standards, your beauty originally or superficially can attract him but your attitude will determine the next level.



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