Saturday, July 23, 2016

God's Names

Please permit me to  introduce my Father to you. He is:

1. Wonderful
2. Counsellor
3. Prince of Peace
4. Eternal Rock of Ages
5. King of Glory
6. Mighty God
7. King of kings
8. Lord of lords
9. Lord of hosts
10. Lily of the valley
11. Healer
12. Deliverer
13. Provider
14. Creator
15. Potter
16. Day Star
17. Cornerstone
18. Prophet of all prophets
19. Saviour
21. Wisdom of God
22. Head of the church
23. Governor
24. Righteous Judge
25. Protector
26. Rock of offence
27. Shield
28. Merciful God
29. Gracious God
30.  Faithful God
31. Giver
32. Victorious in Holiness
33. Consuming Fire
34. El Elyon
35. Jehovah Raphael
36. Jehovah Rohi
37. Jehovah Jireh
38. Jehovah Elgibor
39. Jehovah Sham ah
40. Jehovah Shalom
41. El Olam
42. Defender
43. Redeemer
44. Comforter
45. Trinity in Council
46. Instructor
47. Teacher
48. Inspirer
49. Reminder
50. Invisible God
51. Hope of Glory
52. Lion of Judah
53. Root of Jesse
54. Man of war
55. Lamb of God
56. Sustainer
57. Convincer
58. Light of the world
59. Restorer
60. Silencer
61. Stiller of storms
62. Proclaimer
63. Father of the fatherless
64. Husband of the widow
65. Smith of heaven
66. The Way
67. The Truth
68. The Life
69. Bread of life
70. Bread Winner
71. Champion of champions
72. Winner of winners
73. Composer
74. Author
75. Finisher
76. Glorious in Holiness
77. Fearful in praises
78. Sleepless God
79. Ancient of days
80. Ageless God
81. Eternal God
82. Excellent God
83. Powerful God
84. Leader of leaders
85. Chief Inventor
86. Convener
87. Compassionate God
88. Commander-in-Chief of the heavenly host
89. Worthy King
90. Overseer
91. Moulder
92. Shaper
93. Breaker
94. Praiseworthy God
95. Helper
96. Richer than the richest
97. Older than the oldest
98. Trustworthy God
99. Arranger
100. Master Builder
101. Master Planner
102. Master Minder
103. Arrester
104. Relentless God
105. Voice of hope
106. Beautiful God
107. Alpha and Omega
108.Game Changer
109. Our Refuge
110. Our fortress
111. Our Buckler
112. Our Banner
113. Strong Tower
114. Unchanging changer
115. Rose of Sharon
116. All in All
117. Pillar of our lives
118. The First Born
119. Lamb that was slain
120. The Glory & lifter of our heads
121. The word of God
122. Our Advocate
123. Our High Priest
124. Bishop of our souls
125. High and Lofty one
126. Almighty
127. Our Best Friend
128. On time God
129  Lion of Judah
130  Omnipotent
131. Omnipresent
132  Omniscient
133. Consumming fire (Adonai)
134. The beginning &         the end
135   Living water
136   Unquenchable  fire
137. Awesome God
138 Excellent God
139  Battle stopper
140  Unquestionable  God.
141 Jehova Tsikednu,
142 Mighty one in battle.
143 Glorious in Holiness,
144 Fearful in praises.
145 Mighty man of valour.
146 Miracle worker.
147 Rock of ages.
148 Merciful God.
149 Advocate.
150 Always  doing wonders.
151 Amen and Hallelujah.
152 Answer to prayers.
153 Intercessor.
154 Interceptor.
155 Balm of Gilead
There is no one like him.  To Him Be The Glory Forever Amen



Who among these 3 drunkards is more


*1..after drinking he* *went inside the hotel's** *rest room to urinate and on entering**the* *toilet*, he* *saw the reflection of* *himself on the mirror* *and shouted* *"Oh,*
*sorry, somebody is*
*even here".*


*2..After drinking, he got up and started searching for his phone all around. He puts on the phones' torch light* *(the one*
*he is looking for) to enable him look for the phone and in the* *process the same phone rang, he picked* *up and answered* *"please call me back,* *I'm looking for my*
*phone "* good evening all

*3. After drinking, he entered his car and drove off, on*
*getting to the major road, he saw Dangote's trailer that has been there for three years, he quietly went and park behind the trailer, after three hours, he started shouting*
*"what kind of Go slow is this sef!"...thinking he was in a traffic jam.* 😜😜😜😜😜.


A pilot was told to transfer mad people from a city to another city. He agreed and carried them in his plane.

Every place was so noisy.

During the flight, one of the mad men approached the pilot and said "pls can you teach me how to fly the aeroplane"?

The pilot replied, I will teach you how to fly if you will tell your friends to stop making noise (knowing that he can't do it).

The mad man went back to the cabin. After some minutes, every where was silent as if an angel entered the plane.

The mad man came back and told the pilot that everywhere was cool now.

The pilot became happy and asked "what did you do to them that made them to keep calm."

The mad man replied, "I opened the door for them to go and play outside."

The pilot fainted.

😃😄😄 Laugh it off

20 funny truths

1) When a guy open a car door for a girl,
is either the girl is new or the car is new.
(2) A guy asked u for sex and u asked,
"Do u Love me?". What do u expect him
to say, or Are U a LEARNER ?
(3) Half naked girls are hot,while well
dressed girls are beautiful. Hell is hot,
while heaven is beautiful. the choice is
(4)You have been engaged to him for 4
years and no wedding is forth coming.
Please kindly remove the ring. Is your
finger a key holder?
(5)You have slept with over 10 girls
without protection yet you go to the
barbers shop with your personal clipper.
What are you preventing?
(6) Guys always know who their heart
belongs to, so if you like cook chicken in
diamond sauce or do monkey style in
bed, if it's not you, it can't b u.
(7) In America wen a couple go to bed
dey say "Good nights my love" In Britain
"Sweet dreams darling" In Nigeria "Did u
lock d Gate, doors & windows?
(8) You cannot say "I can't date you, I
have a boyfriend" and be asking for
money from him. Gt-bank staff cannot
receive salary from UBA bank!
(9) My name is A'square, I used my friend
to set up my girlfriend to see if she'll
cheat on me. Now they've sent me
weeding Invitation. What AM I?
(A) Learner
(B)God sent
(C) Fool
(10) No Guy will ever tell a Lady "i ve a
Girlfriend" when asking her out. Their
National Anthem is "we had issues &
we've broken up".
(11) Welcome to Nigeria where the
government is responsible and blamed for
every damn things. if mosquito bite you,
you will blame the government.
(12) No guy is single,you either snatch
him from someone or share him with
someone, the most important thing is to
be the highest Shareholder.
(13) I woke up today,someone
somewhere just took their last breath.
Thank You God for blessing me more than
I deserve
(14) 35yr old first class graduate without
job and u dey follow Lil'Wayne sing 'I
Ain't Got no worries, your life is on SOS
(15) Idiot girl said: "I dated him for
GOOD 10 years and he broke my heart"
fool, what's GOOD in the years?
Sex won't make him love u
(b) A baby won't make him stay. If you're
doubting me, kindly ask TUFACE
(17) No matter how nice you are to a
goat, it will still eat your yam.
18) You make his 'Dick' hard, u carry him
enter room, he don off shirt, then u shout
April Fool... My sister, he will RAPE ur
(19)What shall it profit a girl to have all
the Brazilian hair in the whole world and
still lose her boyfriend to a girl on low a
(20) Kill an American citizen and 1 million
policemen will be deployed to search for
u but kill 1 million Nigerians U will be
invited for amnesty
(21)Don't act like you have it all, even
rich men beg for pen in the bank.
(22) No matter how big ur house is,How
recent your car is,or how huge ur bank
account is, Our grave is still gonna be the
same size, stay humble.
(23)No Matter How Pretty Or Cute your
Face Might Be,you Will Still Be the Food
For Worms. Set your Arrogance Aside and
Remember 6 Feet. No one lives for Ever....

Be Wise

U saw him in a whatsapp group
•U check his dp.
•He Drives A Range Rover Sport 2015.
.He is handsome.
•he chat u.
•U reply,all excited.
•U'l want 2 hook up.
•U set a date.
•U dress up dat Legging Wit No underwear.
•smell gud.
•U put on a make up - fresh breath & new weave.
•He takes u 4 lunch @ Hotel Africana.
•He Takes u 4 Drinks At Nandos.
•U 2 av a gud time.
•He rubs ur hand,
•Makes u laugh,
•Gives u luks & smiles.
•U fall in luv.
•It's lyk u've known him 4eva.
•He takes u to his apartment.
•He makes u feel comfortable & lays u on his bed.
•Kiss u passionately.
•U luv his aggression, strength, power & you give in.
•It feels gud.
•U know it's wrong ,but it feels gud.
•U ask 4 protection,he says it's too late.
•U obey & don't disturb.
•He says he luvs u & u don't hesitate to say u luv him too.
•after, he goes 2 d kitchen to get a glass of h20.
•He helps u drink it,ohh man.
•U feel special.
•"He must be the 1 u think 2 urself.
•U'll get dressed.
•He takes u 2 d taxi park.
•He kisses u on d cheeck & says
•"I had a great time,"
•Gives u #100,000. •U smile & say.
•"See u 2moro babe."
• He stays silent.
•Ur taxi drives away,
•In d taxi u can't stop smiling.
•U get home & inbox him that u got home safe.
•He is online,but doesn't reply.
•It's unlike him,so u inbox him again.
•He doesn't respond.
•Minutes later u can't find him on ur friend list.
•Days,weeks,months passes by.
•U start feeling sick,weak,loose weight,act strange with sores in ur
•U go 2 d clinic.
•Get tested.
•Minutes later,
•Nurse walks in."I'm sorry. You're HIV Positive & Pregnant !
•".HOW ?"
•U don't understand.
•Reality hits u.
•U walk home.
•U go 2 d taxi Park.
•U lay,hopeless,emotionless.
•U see death coming nearer.
•U look in2 d sky & mumble a prayer.
That's the end of u.
Don't be that girl !Live well. Stop Chasing Material Things
Be A Girl You Want Your Daughter To Be! Appreciate a good guy who wants to make you happy even without having much & Live a life DAT counts for

Be Wise