Temilolu Okeowo
temiloluokeowo@gmail.com 07086620576 (sms only)
Dear Aunty Temilolu,
You are the best! Each time I make up my mind to give a man my virginity, God always sends someone to stop that useless thought in me. Thank you Jesus for linking me up with aunty Temilolu.
Dearest Aunty Temilolu,
I love the way you write girls…girls…girls oooo in your articles, it’s as though you are pulling our ears and talking to our souls, it jolts me up! Your impact in my life has redefined me. Heaven will surely reward you ma.
Gbemileke Rofiat Darasimi
Dear Aunty Temilolu,
I am head-over-heels in love with my boss at the office. He has never made passes at me and he is even a married man however, I can’t control my feelings for him. This has been going since I started working with him two years ago. Eligible bachelors do come my way but they don’t make any sense. It’s so bad that I fantasise about him most of the day. At night I even pretend I am sleeping in his arms and I must confess I imagine him making love to me. I am so depressed because he doesn’t show any love interest in me and all of a sudden, life doesn’t have a meaning because of this quagmire. Please help me ma.
Anthonia, 24
My darling Anthonia,
This is what I call a CATACLYSMIC SATANIC BONDAGE! Can you imagine what you’ve lost in the last two years by falling hopelessly in love with a married man and expending all the energy you ought to have used to pursue your destiny and be on the lookout for your life partner? I may not be quick to blame you for your ignorance but I tell you a polluted mind and a life devoid of the spirit of God is the devil’s playground. Funny thing is you have enormous power over what you have allowed to grow and almost turn your life to a nightmare. Why would you want another woman’s husband so much or any man for that matter such that you can’t sleep at night? A man that’s not your husband! You are clearly not yourself! The devil cashed in on your covetousness for what belongs to someone else my love! Anyone else can tell you something else but I analyse issues from the spiritual angle which indeed forms the substratum of our entire existence! This must be a bondage designed by stupid, bad devil to divert your attention from God’s wonderful plans for you. And like Jesus said, “This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.” Mark 9:29 No one can help you as much as you can. You already have a weapon that can deal with the situation. Please stop allowing the devil waste your precious time. Pray him out of your soul! May the mighty power of God surge through your life in Jesus name! Amen.
My darling, precious, glorious, dignified, world-famous and heavenly celebrated Nigerian sisters,
I thank you all for your kind words; God is the best, not Temilolu!
Girls…girls…girls, there are so many of you who get yourself into unnecessary trouble-you can fall in love for Africa! You all know what I mean by that! Even your mothers experience what Anthonia is passing through! However, the worst thing a female can do to herself is to pursue a man for love! You only set yourself up for serious exploitation the day you begin to struggle for a man’s attention! Not even when the Holy Bible has long prophesied “In that day, seven women will fight for each man saying, “Let us all marry you! We will provide our own food and clothing. Only let us take your name so we won’t be mocked as old maids.” Isaiah 4:1 (NLV) The same bible says in Prov.18:22, “The man who finds a wife finds a treasure and he receives favour from the LORD.”
Girls…girls…girls… (sigh), if you knew what God has planned for you- I mean the guy He has specifically programmed for your destiny, you will surrender completely to Him and act as though He’s the only being that exists in the world! YOU ARE SOMEONE’S TREASURE; GOD WANTS TO SPOIL ONE MAN BECAUSE OF YOU! BE PATIENT, BE PATIENT, BE PATIENT!!! STAY CHASTE AND LET GOD FINE-TUNE YOU, THE RIGHT MAN WILL LOCATE YOU AND DROOL OVER YOU!
In conclusion, you need to be spirit-filled and spirit-controlled! This means our will, emotions and intellect should be guided by the spirit of God otherwise one becomes satanically-manipulated and turned to a yo-yo by the devil who enjoys messing around with precious destinies that lack the power of God! I keep telling you, you are SPIRITUAL HOUSES! 1 Peter 2:5 Make use of the power of God freely given to us! Live a holy life, meditate on scriptures. Let your soul be launched into the supernatural, have dominion over your destiny and command every good thing to come rushing to you! Here’s a hug for you my sweets!
I invite you to follow me on facebook –TEMILOLU OKEOWO (not Temilolu okeowo girls club or TEMILOLU OKEOWO Girls Club group).
Scam Alert: Temilolu okeowo girls club page and group as well as Temilolu cares for you are fake facebook accounts.
Are you still engaging in pre-marital sex? Each act devalues you! Your wonders are waiting to start. God is waiting for you to become a Secondary virgin! You are most welcome on board the chastity campaign train and Girls Club is open for all girls and ladies. Please text your name, age, school or occupation and State of domicile to 07086620576.
Chastity does not belong to the past. It saves you a lot of trouble, preserves your beautiful destiny and stands you out from the crowd. You are better off not engaging in pre-marital and extra-marital sex. Stay chaste!
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