Ways Of Being Mentally Strong
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Saturday, December 03, 2016
The Best Relationship Advice I Ever ReceivE.
Relationships are hard. They take a lot of dedication, focus, and work. Finding the right person to settle down with can often feel like a very frustrating game of chance. And even when you do find the right one, you’ll still have your work cut out for you as you make an effort to maintain your relationship.
If you’re looking for a little guidance when it comes to love, you’ve come to the right place. The Cheat Sheet spoke with eight top relationship experts to get some of their best advice. So pull up a chair and read on for more.
1. Take it easy
The best relationship advice I’ve ever gotten, and that I give, is “easy does it.” Too often we get caught up in fear-based needs to control our partner. This pull becomes a destructive compulsion that corrodes the integrity of the relationship. It replaces respect and compassion with anger and resentment. It destroys the quality of our lives and over time, the relationship.This advice impacted the way I approach romantic relationships in that I allowed for a lot more space, which in turn allowed for less reactivity, more peace, happiness, and respect. The classic struggle of all relationships is finding the right calculus in the togetherness-and-autonomy equation. Typically, when a relationship is under stress, one of the partners asks for physical space to break the tension. This is suboptimal. The best way to incorporate space is by being proactive and providing emotional rather than physical space. To do this, partners need to allow each other the space to be themselves and to have their experiences without trying to control the outcome or think that you are responsible for their lives and reaction. It’s hard work and takes practice, but the rewards are well worth the effort.
Dr. Paul Hokemeyer, J.D. licensed marriage and family therapist and senior clinical adviser to Caron Ocean Drive.
2. Give 90%

Gail Saltz | Source: Dr. Gail Saltz
My parents advised what they did in their own marriage: “both of you always think about giving 90% to your partner and you both will be very happy.” They meant it’s so important to think about how your partner is feeling, to stand in their shoes, to be giving and compromising, and emotionally generous. That 10% is for the understanding that sometimes it’s also OK to be a bit selfish, to place your needs first, or stand firm on something. They also made clear that this only works if you are both giving 90%.I just celebrated my 26th wedding anniversary. I definitely think about my spouse’s needs and feelings the majority of the time and try to be compromising. In return I feel he is 90% thinking of me and how to consider my feelings and be supportive and loving. Sometimes this means giving something up, but actually most times this means we both get what we want and we both feel very loved, supported, and that we are in each other’s corner. I don’t feel afraid to be giving, because he really has my best interests at heart. We are a terrific team and often we agree on what we want. And when we don’t, we tend to take turns supporting the other’s wants.
Dr. Gail Saltz, is a clinical associate professor of psychiatry at New York Presbyterian’s Weill-Cornell Medical College. She has partnered with Tylenol on the new #HowWeFamily program and national study to share more information about the modern American family. For more information visit HowWeFamily.com
3. You are responsible for your own happiness

Couple lying on the sand | Thinkstock.com
It’s not my partner’s job to make me happy. It’s my job to make me happy. Of course it’s easy to feel good when my partner is acting in a way that I want —but needing them to be a certain way in order for me to feel good —that’s bondage. Thinking that they’re always going to be in a good mood and directing their affectionate attention towards me — while that may be possible during the initial stage of a relationship, is impossible to sustain long-term. I’m responsible for my happiness. My partner is responsible for her happiness. We deliberately focus on things to feel good in our lives and for things to appreciate in one another.If you’re looking for someone to complete you —or vice versa—you’re looking in the wrong direction for the lasting happiness, wholeness, and fulfillment that you truly seek. Wouldn’t it be better if you could find a way to feel how you want to feel regardless of what you’re partner is saying or doing?This advice transformed every relationship in my life – not just the romantic ones. Before I knew these things, I was unintentionally holding my partner responsible for my happiness. When I learned that I’m responsible for my own happiness and when I learned how to consistently align with it, my entire world transformed. I now have the freedom to choose if and when I spend time with someone else, and I deliberately choose to spend time with others who get this, too. My relationships are more meaningful, more loving, more free, and most importantly – more fun! And my overall happiness continues to grow, too, regardless of whether I’m in a relationship or not.
Jeff Bear, life coach and founder of Bear Partners.
4. Stop waiting and live your life

Lisa Steadman | Source: Lisa Steadman
When I was single and stressed about finding love, my good friend, Scott, a confirmed bachelor, told me this. He said, “Lisa, you need to calm down, chill out, and stop expecting love to be here already. Your sense of entitlement is killing your ability to attract a good man.” When I realized he was right, I stopped waking up every day feeling angry that love hadn’t found me yet. I stopped being resentful that my friends were married and having lives that felt out of reach to me. I stopped feeling like my life was on hold. As cliché as it sounds, I stopped waiting and started living. Overnight, my outlook changed. My results changed, too. I started meeting men wherever I went. I went on dates, had fun, didn’t give my heart away foolishly, and met my husband. I knew he was The One when he told me, “I’ve always been too nice for the naughty girls and too naughty for the nice ones.” That had been my experience with men.My advice for singles who are struggling in their search is to look within and ask themselves what part of their own life still needs work. When you clean up your side of the street, you make room for a perfectly imperfect person to see you, celebrate you, and love you. And remember that Mr. Right [or Ms. Right] will not be perfect, but will be perfect for you, just as you’ll be perfectly imperfect for him [or her].
Lisa Steadman, relationship expert and author of It’s a Breakup Not a Breakdown.
5. Love yourself

Couple in bed | iStock.com
You can’t love anyone more than your willingness to love yourself. Through this advice I learned about the importance of caring for my mind, body, and spirit. I liken love to the oxygen mask on a plane. You have to apply it to yourself before applying it to the person next to you. This advice improved my chances of winning my wife’s hand in marriage. She was searching for true love. She wanted someone to spend the rest of her life with. Conveying to her that I loved myself signaled that I could be a pillar of strength and compassion.
Paul C. Brunson, matchmaker and author of It’s Complicated (But It Doesn’t Have to Be): A Modern Guide to Finding and Keeping Love.
6. Don’t put boundaries on others

Smiling couple | Thinkstock.com
You can’t put boundaries on someone else—only yourself. If someone is treating you badly, you can’t change their behavior. But you can ask yourself why you accept it and how you can put a boundary on yourself so that you won’t accept it again. It made me take more responsibility for my role in bad relationships. Instead of feeling like a victim of circumstance, I was empowered to reject bad treatment and choose a different person. Also, [remember that] life is a self-fulfilling prophesy. If you believe you are undeserving of happiness, love and prosperity, that’s what the universe will give you.
Dr. Wendy Walsh, relationship expert and author of The 30-Day Love Detox.
7. Sometimes love is where you’d least expect it

Hunt Ethridge | Source: Martha Swann
The hottest, most fun, sexiest, interesting, growth-stimulating, spontaneous, most romantic, most eye-opening relationships or experiences all were not with people that I thought I would end up with. Just because a relationship has a shelf life doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enter into it. This advice allowed me to enjoy each interaction for what it was and not try to make it something it wasn’t. And at the end of the day, our life is just a conglomeration of memories and I have many happy memories to think on. This gives me the freedom to experience all life has to offer!Other good advice: “Always be unexpected.” This doesn’t have to be in grand gestures, but predictability in a relationship = boring = death of romance. Worst Advice? “Don’t worry, it’ll happen.” If I wanted to learn French, if someone told me “Don’t worry, it’ll happen,” how stupid does that sound?! Dating is a skill set like every other and you get out of it what you put into it.
Hunt Ethridge, certified dating coach.
8. Put in some effort

Happy couple | Source: Thinkstock
First, you simply must put time and energy into dating. A combination of online dating and socializing (perhaps including speed dating or singles mixers) is ideal. And second, you must go about dating the right way—from a positive attitude and an effective online dating profile (I can help you with that at www.ellyklein.com) to behavior on dates and communication with potential partners. If your approach to finding love is waiting for it to just come along, you’re taking a huge risk and will probably be single for a long time.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
21 Best Tips On Making A Long Distance Relationship Work
Many people believe that long distance relationships are never going to work out. Your family may discourage it, and some of your best friends may advise you not to take it too seriously, in case you get your heart broken.
Nobody says it is going to be easy — the extra distance makes many things unachievable. Things could get complicated, and you could get sad and lonely at times. However, the extra distance also makes the simplest things the sweetest, being able to hold the other person’s hand, eating together at the same table, feeling each other’s touch, taking a walk together, smelling each other’s hair… these small wishes could suddenly mean so much more in a long distance relationship.
Long distance relationship may be tough but it has its own surprises too. To keep your love alive and strong, here are the 18 tips to make your long distance relationship work:
1. Avoid excessive communication.
It is unwise to be overly “sticky” and possessive. You two don’t really have to communicate 12 hours a day to keep the relationship going. Many couples thought that they need to compensate for the distance by doing more. This is not true. And it might only make things worse. Soon you would get tired of “loving.” Remember: Less is more. It is not about spamming — you are only going to exhaust yourselves. It’s really about teasing at the right moments and tugging at the right spots.
2. See it as a opportunity.
“If you want to live together, you first need to learn how to live apart.” – Anonymous
View it as a learning journey for the both of you. See it as a test of your love for each other. As the Chinese saying goes, “Real gold is not afraid of the test of fire.” Instead of thinking that this long distance relationship is pulling you two apart, you should believe that through this experience, the both of you will be bound together even stronger.
As Emma says it to Will in season four of Glee,
“I would rather be here, far from you, but feeling really close, rather than close to you but feeling really far away.” – Emma, Glee Season 4
3. Set some ground rules to manage your expectations.
Both of you need to be clear with what you expect of with each other during this long distance relationship. Set some ground rules so that none of you will do things that will take the other party by surprise. For instance, are you two exclusive? Is it alright for the other person to go on dates? What is your commitment level? It’s better to be open with each other about all these things.
4. Try to communicate regularly, and creatively.
Greet each other “good morning” and “good night” every day — this is a must. On top of that, try to update your partner on your life and its happening, however mundane some of the things may seem. To up the game, send each other pictures, audio clips and short videos from time to time. By putting in this kind of effort, you make the other person feel loved and attended to.
5. Talk dirty with each other.
Sexual tension is undoubtedly one of the most important things between couples. Sexual desire is like a glue that keeps both parties from drifting apart. Not only is sex a biological need, it is an emotional one as well. Keep the flames burning by sending each other teasing texts filled with sexual innuendos and provocative descriptions. Sexy puns work pretty well too.
6. Avoid “dangerous” situations.
If you already know that going to the club or going drinking with your group of friends late at night will displease your partner, then you should either 1. Not do it or 2. Tell your partner beforehand so as to reassure him/her. Don’t be careless about this sort of matter because your partner is only going to be extra worried or extra suspicious, and of course, very upset, because you are putting him/her in a position where he/she feels extra powerless/lacking in control.
Also, It could be easy for you to fall into the trap which you, unconsciously or not, set up for yourself by “hanging out” with your office eye-candy after work, or going out with a girl or guy from your past who has been flirting with you. You need to recognize the dangers before entering into the situation. Don’t just listen to your heart. Listen to your mind too.
7. Do things together.
Play an online game together. Watch a documentary on YouTube or Vimeo at the same time. Sing to each other on Skype while one of you plays the guitar. “Take a walk together” outside while video-calling each other. Go online-shopping together — and buy each other gifts (See #13). You really have to be creative and spontaneous about it.
8. Do similar things.
Recommend books, TV shows, movies, music, news and etc. to each other. When you read, watch and listen to the same things, you get to have more topics in common to talk about. This is a good to create some shared experiences even though you are living apart.
9. Make visits to each other.
Visits are the highlight of every long distance relationship. After all the waiting and yearning and abstinence, you finally get to meet each other to fulfill all the little things like kissing, holding hands, etc. which are all common to other couples but so very special and extra intimate for people in long distance relationships. It will be like fireworks, glitter bombs, confetti, rainbows and butterflies everywhere.
10. Have a goal in mind.
“What do we want to achieve at the end of the day?” “How long are we going to be apart?” “What about the future?” These are the questions you two need to ask yourselves. The truth is, no couple can be in a long distance relationship for forever. Eventually we all need to settle down.
So make a plan with each other. Do up a timeline, marking down the estimated times apart and times together, and draw an end goal. It is important that you two are on the same page and have the same goals. So that even if you are not living in the same space and the same timezone, both of you are still working together in the same direction towards a future that includes one another.
11. Enjoy your alone time and your time with your friends and family.
You are alone but you are not lonely, unless you choose to feel like it. You don’t have to let your world revolve around your partner — you still have you, your friends and your family. Take this time apart to do more with your friends and family. Go to the gym more often. Get a new hobby. Binge-watch shows. There are plenty of things for you to do that doesn’t involve your partner.
12. Stay honest with each other.
Talk about your feelings of fear, insecurity, jealousy, apathy, whatsoever. If you try to hide anything from your partner, that secret will sooner or later swallow you up from inside out. Don’t try to deal with things all by yourself. Be open and honest with each other. Let your partner help you and give you the support you need. it’s better to look at the problem during its initial stage than to only disclose it when it’s all too late.
13. Know each other’s schedules.
It’s helpful to know when the other person is busy and when he/she is free, so that you can drop a text or make a call at the right time. You wouldn’t want to disturb your partner when he/she is in the middle of class or halfway through a business meeting. Know the small and big events that are taking place or will take place in each other’s life e.g. college mid-terms and exams, important business trips and meetings, job interviews and etc. This is especially essential when the both of you are living in different time zones.
14. Keep track of each other’s social media activities.
Like each other’s photos on Facebook and Instagram. Tweet each other. Tag each other. Share things on each other’s walls. Show that you care. Be cool about stalking each other.
15. Gift a personal object for the other person to hold on to.
There is power in a memento. Be it a small pendent, a ring, a keychain, a CD of songs and videos, or a bottle of fragrance. We often attach meanings to the little things and items found in our everyday life, whether knowingly or not. This is what we all do — we try to store memories in physical things, in hope that when our mind fails us, we can look or hold on to something that will help us remember. This is why something so simple can mean so much to a person, when others may see little or no value in it.
16. Get a good messaging app.
This is extremely important because texting is the most frequent and common way of communication the two of you have. You need a good messaging app on your phones that allow interactions beyond just words and emoticons.
Personally, I use this messaging app called LINE. I find it highly effective because it has a huge reserve of playful and very funny “stickers” that are free for its users to use. You can also go to the app’s “Sticker Shop” to download extra stickers of different themes (e.g. Hello Kitty, Pokemon, Snoopy, MARVEL and etc.) at a low price. From time to time, the app also gives out free sticker sets for different promotions. This messaging app is cute and easy to learn to use.
17. Snail-mail it!
Mail each other postcards and hand-written love letters. Send each other gifts across the globe from time to time. Flower deliveries on birthdays, anniversaries and Valentine’s Day. Shop online and surprise each other with cool T-shirts, sexy underwears and such.
18. Stay positive.
You need to be constantly injecting positive energy into the long distance relationship to keep it alive. Yes, the waiting can be painful and you can sometimes feel lonesome but you need to remind yourself that the fruits at the end will be sweet as heaven. One good trick to staying positive is to be grateful all the time. Be thankful that you have someone to love — someone who also loves you back. Be thankful for the little things, like the hand-made letter that arrived safely in your mailbox the other day. Be thankful for each other’s health and safety.
19. Keep each other updated on each other’s friends and family.
Because gossips and scandals are always the best things to go on and on about.
20. Video-call whenever possible.
Because looking into each other’s eyes and hearing each other’s voices can make everything feel alright again.
21. Give each other pet names.
Because it’s cute. It keeps the lovey-dovey going.
15 Ways To Have the Best Relationship of Your Life
We have all grown up watching movies where women are princesses, men are their knights in shining armor, and perfect couples ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after. But no one actually teaches us the things we need to do to have our “happily ever after.” So that’s where I come in. Here are 15 things you can do if you want to have the best relationship of your life.
1. Try to talk with your partner about how you impact each other.
No one is a mind reader. And some people aren’t very good at knowing how their behavior affects other people. So you need to tell each other. Not only the negative impacts, but the positive as well. If you want your partner to change something, gently ask without criticism. If you think your partner is awesome, tell them. Thank them. Keep the lines open.
2. When you get in a fight, try to see the situation as if you’re an outsider looking in.
Try to step outside yourself and view the conflict as an objective outsider. This de-personalizes it and helps you see your partner’s point of view. Most people have a “me vs. you” attitude when it comes to fighting. They view it as a battle against the enemy. This could not be more destructive! Instead, have a “we” or team mentality. You’re both in this relationship together, so you have to come up with solutions together. Stepping back and looking at it from an objective perspective helps tremendously.
3. Invite your partner to build more closeness by practicing empathy daily.
Empathy is key to every relationship. This is the ability to see the other person’s point of view and show them that you value how they feel. You don’t have to agree with them, you just have to allow them to feel what they feel without making them wrong. One empathy “game” you can play is reflecting back each other’s words and feelings. This allows you to check your perceptions and helps you partner feel “heard.”
4. Tune into your emotions and see if you can each share what you need most.
It doesn’t help to repress your emotions. It might make your relationship seem peaceful, but it’s like trying to hold a beach ball under water forever. You can’t do it. Eventually, it’s going to come back up–and probably in an explosive manner. So both people need to keep their emotions in check and continuously share them with their partner. That way, nothing will be a surprise or get buried for a long time.
5. Be mindful of the fact that emotional damage can derail relationships.
It could be cheating. It could be ignoring your partner’s feelings. It could be withholding affection. Emotional damage can take any form. And they deliver brutal blows to relationships. So if there was an emotional injury that took place between the two of you, talk about it. Fix it. Don’t ignore it. That will only make it worse.
6. Discuss your main relationship goals for the next year and see if you find ways to achieve them.
When we hear the term “goal,” we don’t usually think in terms of “relationship” goals. But just as you would have a career goal, you must have relationship goals together. Do you want to get married? Do you want to buy a house? Have kids? Move to the west coast? It’s helpful to have shared goals, but if you don’t, then each partner has to be respectful of the other person’s desires and at least try to find a mutually satisfying solution.
7. Cherish and honor your connection.
Don’t take your relationship for granted. It’s sacred, so treat it that way! Too many times we get too comfortable and stop trying to make our partner happy. This doesn’t work. Honor what you have. Cherish it. And above all, communicate to your partner that you value their presence in your life.
8. Create small rituals to recognize your bond.
It helps to have rituals that you do together. It could be committing to go on a date night every Saturday or celebrating your anniversary each year at the same restaurant where you met. Or maybe it’s going on a picnic once a month. Anything that tells each other that you are committed to honoring a ritual or routine will help maintain a healthy relationship.
9. Do little things for each other.
Do the dishes. Rub her shoulders. Vacuum. Call just to say you love him. Bring home a single rose. These are simple things that don’t cost a dime (except for the rose!). These things are valued, especially by women. It shows attention and desire to help or nurture your partner.
10. Laugh. A lot. Don’t take things too seriously.
Who doesn’t like to laugh? I would guess pretty much everyone does. But as relationships get stressful, sometimes people forget to laugh. People start focusing on their partner’s negative behaviors and they get annoyed and resentful. Try not to take things so seriously. Try to look at everything your partner does (and in life) as amusing. This lightens the relationship. Couples that laugh together, stay together.
11. Grow your friendship with each other.
You are probably more forgiving of your friends than you are of your romantic partner. Why is this? Probably because you don’t put as many expectations on your friends. But a solid foundation as best friends is the best way to build a long-term relationship.
12. Support each other’s hopes and dreams.
Maybe you want to open a restaurant. Or your partner wants to go back to school for a Ph.D. Whatever your dreams, you both need to be supportive of each other. Even if you don’t agree with the dream or think it’s silly, you still need to be encouraging. Being your partner’s rock and biggest fan is essential to a healthy relationship.
13. Put your partner’s needs equal to or before your own.
You may not want to admit it, but there may be times when you are a little selfish. And that’s fine. As long as you aren’t selfish all of the time. If you only worry about your needs and you ignore your partner’s, then they will eventually grow resentful. People need to know that their partner loves them enough to put them first‒at least sometimes.
14. Give the relationship attention.
When I teach about relationships, I always use the metaphor of a plant. Plants can be beautiful, but they need to be watered every day. They need attention. And so do relationships. If you don’t “feed” your relationship, it will die. It needs nourishment just as much as a plant. You can’t ignore it and put in minimal effort and expect it to flourish. It takes constant attention.
15. Don’t expect perfection.
We all want to ride off into the sunset with that perfect prince or princess. But we all know that perfection is a myth. No one is perfect. So instead of looking at your partner’s faults and focusing on what they should change, accept them as they are. Focus on the good. Feed the good stuff. And then you will reach a place of calm acceptance and have a peaceful relationship.
Psychology studies show that, in the long term, the most important thing in your life is your personal relationships.
Wednesday, October 05, 2016
Tuesday, October 04, 2016
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Friday, August 26, 2016
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Did you know what's Marriage
"MARRIAGE is like a shoe. When you wear oversize be ready to
drag it along through out life, and when you wear under-size be
ready to feel the pains through out life." One thing about marriage is that you don't drop your shoe or remove it at any point, no matter how painful or how stressful it is.
That is why I thought it necessary to write you this letter.
Dear Singles,
When you are ready to buy your own shoe please take note of
these three things:
Physical appearance: Do not look for the beautiful once, the nice
once or the cheap once. Look for the one that is your size. Not every handsome, wealthy or intelligent guy is for you, not every beautiful woman is for you. Look for the one that is meant for you, the one that aligns with your values and belief, the one who you meet at your life's journey. It is important to know where you're going in life before you think of getting a wife.
Position: All sizes of shoes are not placed in the same place.
There is a place for court shoes, laced up shoes, sport footwear,
snickers etc. We have Children sizes, young people's sizes and
the adult sizes. Know where to get your own shoe. Your size cannot be everywhere my brother, your type cannot be everywhere my sister. You cannot be a Christian, and be looking for a wife material at a club. Your wife or husband can't just be everywhere.
Stick to your values and therein you shall find someone like you,
but when your values are not defined anyone can just match
you. Discover yourself and define your values
Perception: In this kind of shoe purchasing enterprise, you are
not permitted to try the shoe before you buy. This is why it is
important to seek guidance and counseling, from people who
have bought shoes before or are into the business of directing
people to the right shoes (Pastors and Relationship coaches).
And most importantly to avoid much time wasting time, simply
consult the shoe manufacturer to tell you your size (God Almighty).
"You do not prepare for wedding, you prepare for marriage."
Ladies these days get so motivated when they attend wedding and they will quickly want to say yes to that guy. Wait!!! It is not just the wedding oh. The wedding is just one day. After the wedding WHAT NEXT?
Finally, it is not something you rush to the market and just pick
a shoe because you like or can purchase it.
Ask questions
-Where is this shoe made from? (Background)
-What's the size (Values)
-How much (His/Her interest)
-How long will it last (His/Her Character)
-Who made it? (Is she/He of the same faith This is compatibility)
-Will it match me? (This is whether he/she love you and will
accept you the way you are)
Dear one, remember many are dragging their foot and they
would hardly reach their destinies, many are feeling endless pains and wish they could pull off the shoes but no way!!! I have seen people with beautiful shoes and when they show you their foot, you will see scars. Beloved, it is not about the physical, it is the size, you can't
know the size from afar so come close, build a relationship first
but remember 'you are not permitted to try it before you buy it'.
And for those who have purchased the wrong shoes, you can still make it your size again if you'd consult the manufacturer
and let Him have His way in your marriage.
God bless us all.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
God's Names
Please permit me to introduce my Father to you. He is:
1. Wonderful
2. Counsellor
3. Prince of Peace
4. Eternal Rock of Ages
5. King of Glory
6. Mighty God
7. King of kings
8. Lord of lords
9. Lord of hosts
10. Lily of the valley
11. Healer
12. Deliverer
13. Provider
14. Creator
15. Potter
16. Day Star
17. Cornerstone
18. Prophet of all prophets
19. Saviour
21. Wisdom of God
22. Head of the church
23. Governor
24. Righteous Judge
25. Protector
26. Rock of offence
27. Shield
28. Merciful God
29. Gracious God
30. Faithful God
31. Giver
32. Victorious in Holiness
33. Consuming Fire
34. El Elyon
35. Jehovah Raphael
36. Jehovah Rohi
37. Jehovah Jireh
38. Jehovah Elgibor
39. Jehovah Sham ah
40. Jehovah Shalom
41. El Olam
42. Defender
43. Redeemer
44. Comforter
45. Trinity in Council
46. Instructor
47. Teacher
48. Inspirer
49. Reminder
50. Invisible God
51. Hope of Glory
52. Lion of Judah
53. Root of Jesse
54. Man of war
55. Lamb of God
56. Sustainer
57. Convincer
58. Light of the world
59. Restorer
60. Silencer
61. Stiller of storms
62. Proclaimer
63. Father of the fatherless
64. Husband of the widow
65. Smith of heaven
66. The Way
67. The Truth
68. The Life
69. Bread of life
70. Bread Winner
71. Champion of champions
72. Winner of winners
73. Composer
74. Author
75. Finisher
76. Glorious in Holiness
77. Fearful in praises
78. Sleepless God
79. Ancient of days
80. Ageless God
81. Eternal God
82. Excellent God
83. Powerful God
84. Leader of leaders
85. Chief Inventor
86. Convener
87. Compassionate God
88. Commander-in-Chief of the heavenly host
89. Worthy King
90. Overseer
91. Moulder
92. Shaper
93. Breaker
94. Praiseworthy God
95. Helper
96. Richer than the richest
97. Older than the oldest
98. Trustworthy God
99. Arranger
100. Master Builder
101. Master Planner
102. Master Minder
103. Arrester
104. Relentless God
105. Voice of hope
106. Beautiful God
107. Alpha and Omega
108.Game Changer
109. Our Refuge
110. Our fortress
111. Our Buckler
112. Our Banner
113. Strong Tower
114. Unchanging changer
115. Rose of Sharon
116. All in All
117. Pillar of our lives
118. The First Born
119. Lamb that was slain
120. The Glory & lifter of our heads
121. The word of God
122. Our Advocate
123. Our High Priest
124. Bishop of our souls
125. High and Lofty one
126. Almighty
127. Our Best Friend
128. On time God
129 Lion of Judah
130 Omnipotent
131. Omnipresent
132 Omniscient
133. Consumming fire (Adonai)
134. The beginning & the end
135 Living water
136 Unquenchable fire
137. Awesome God
138 Excellent God
139 Battle stopper
140 Unquestionable God.
141 Jehova Tsikednu,
142 Mighty one in battle.
143 Glorious in Holiness,
144 Fearful in praises.
145 Mighty man of valour.
146 Miracle worker.
147 Rock of ages.
148 Merciful God.
149 Advocate.
150 Always doing wonders.
151 Amen and Hallelujah.
152 Answer to prayers.
153 Intercessor.
154 Interceptor.
155 Balm of Gilead
There is no one like him. To Him Be The Glory Forever Amen
1. Wonderful
2. Counsellor
3. Prince of Peace
4. Eternal Rock of Ages
5. King of Glory
6. Mighty God
7. King of kings
8. Lord of lords
9. Lord of hosts
10. Lily of the valley
11. Healer
12. Deliverer
13. Provider
14. Creator
15. Potter
16. Day Star
17. Cornerstone
18. Prophet of all prophets
19. Saviour
21. Wisdom of God
22. Head of the church
23. Governor
24. Righteous Judge
25. Protector
26. Rock of offence
27. Shield
28. Merciful God
29. Gracious God
30. Faithful God
31. Giver
32. Victorious in Holiness
33. Consuming Fire
34. El Elyon
35. Jehovah Raphael
36. Jehovah Rohi
37. Jehovah Jireh
38. Jehovah Elgibor
39. Jehovah Sham ah
40. Jehovah Shalom
41. El Olam
42. Defender
43. Redeemer
44. Comforter
45. Trinity in Council
46. Instructor
47. Teacher
48. Inspirer
49. Reminder
50. Invisible God
51. Hope of Glory
52. Lion of Judah
53. Root of Jesse
54. Man of war
55. Lamb of God
56. Sustainer
57. Convincer
58. Light of the world
59. Restorer
60. Silencer
61. Stiller of storms
62. Proclaimer
63. Father of the fatherless
64. Husband of the widow
65. Smith of heaven
66. The Way
67. The Truth
68. The Life
69. Bread of life
70. Bread Winner
71. Champion of champions
72. Winner of winners
73. Composer
74. Author
75. Finisher
76. Glorious in Holiness
77. Fearful in praises
78. Sleepless God
79. Ancient of days
80. Ageless God
81. Eternal God
82. Excellent God
83. Powerful God
84. Leader of leaders
85. Chief Inventor
86. Convener
87. Compassionate God
88. Commander-in-Chief of the heavenly host
89. Worthy King
90. Overseer
91. Moulder
92. Shaper
93. Breaker
94. Praiseworthy God
95. Helper
96. Richer than the richest
97. Older than the oldest
98. Trustworthy God
99. Arranger
100. Master Builder
101. Master Planner
102. Master Minder
103. Arrester
104. Relentless God
105. Voice of hope
106. Beautiful God
107. Alpha and Omega
108.Game Changer
109. Our Refuge
110. Our fortress
111. Our Buckler
112. Our Banner
113. Strong Tower
114. Unchanging changer
115. Rose of Sharon
116. All in All
117. Pillar of our lives
118. The First Born
119. Lamb that was slain
120. The Glory & lifter of our heads
121. The word of God
122. Our Advocate
123. Our High Priest
124. Bishop of our souls
125. High and Lofty one
126. Almighty
127. Our Best Friend
128. On time God
129 Lion of Judah
130 Omnipotent
131. Omnipresent
132 Omniscient
133. Consumming fire (Adonai)
134. The beginning & the end
135 Living water
136 Unquenchable fire
137. Awesome God
138 Excellent God
139 Battle stopper
140 Unquestionable God.
141 Jehova Tsikednu,
142 Mighty one in battle.
143 Glorious in Holiness,
144 Fearful in praises.
145 Mighty man of valour.
146 Miracle worker.
147 Rock of ages.
148 Merciful God.
149 Advocate.
150 Always doing wonders.
151 Amen and Hallelujah.
152 Answer to prayers.
153 Intercessor.
154 Interceptor.
155 Balm of Gilead
There is no one like him. To Him Be The Glory Forever Amen
Who among these 3 drunkards is more
*1..after drinking he* *went inside the hotel's** *rest room to urinate and on entering**the* *toilet*, he* *saw the reflection of* *himself on the mirror* *and shouted* *"Oh,*
*sorry, somebody is*
*even here".*
*2..After drinking, he got up and started searching for his phone all around. He puts on the phones' torch light* *(the one*
*he is looking for) to enable him look for the phone and in the* *process the same phone rang, he picked* *up and answered* *"please call me back,* *I'm looking for my*
*phone "* good evening all
*3. After drinking, he entered his car and drove off, on*
*getting to the major road, he saw Dangote's trailer that has been there for three years, he quietly went and park behind the trailer, after three hours, he started shouting*
*"what kind of Go slow is this sef!"...thinking he was in a traffic jam.* 😜😜😜😜😜.
*1..after drinking he* *went inside the hotel's** *rest room to urinate and on entering**the* *toilet*, he* *saw the reflection of* *himself on the mirror* *and shouted* *"Oh,*
*sorry, somebody is*
*even here".*
*2..After drinking, he got up and started searching for his phone all around. He puts on the phones' torch light* *(the one*
*he is looking for) to enable him look for the phone and in the* *process the same phone rang, he picked* *up and answered* *"please call me back,* *I'm looking for my*
*phone "* good evening all
*3. After drinking, he entered his car and drove off, on*
*getting to the major road, he saw Dangote's trailer that has been there for three years, he quietly went and park behind the trailer, after three hours, he started shouting*
*"what kind of Go slow is this sef!"...thinking he was in a traffic jam.* 😜😜😜😜😜.
A pilot was told to transfer mad people from a city to another city. He agreed and carried them in his plane.
Every place was so noisy.
During the flight, one of the mad men approached the pilot and said "pls can you teach me how to fly the aeroplane"?
The pilot replied, I will teach you how to fly if you will tell your friends to stop making noise (knowing that he can't do it).
The mad man went back to the cabin. After some minutes, every where was silent as if an angel entered the plane.
The mad man came back and told the pilot that everywhere was cool now.
The pilot became happy and asked "what did you do to them that made them to keep calm."
The mad man replied, "I opened the door for them to go and play outside."
The pilot fainted.
😃😄😄 Laugh it off
Every place was so noisy.
During the flight, one of the mad men approached the pilot and said "pls can you teach me how to fly the aeroplane"?
The pilot replied, I will teach you how to fly if you will tell your friends to stop making noise (knowing that he can't do it).
The mad man went back to the cabin. After some minutes, every where was silent as if an angel entered the plane.
The mad man came back and told the pilot that everywhere was cool now.
The pilot became happy and asked "what did you do to them that made them to keep calm."
The mad man replied, "I opened the door for them to go and play outside."
The pilot fainted.
😃😄😄 Laugh it off
20 funny truths
1) When a guy open a car door for a girl,
is either the girl is new or the car is new.
(2) A guy asked u for sex and u asked,
"Do u Love me?". What do u expect him
to say, or Are U a LEARNER ?
(3) Half naked girls are hot,while well
dressed girls are beautiful. Hell is hot,
while heaven is beautiful. the choice is
(4)You have been engaged to him for 4
years and no wedding is forth coming.
Please kindly remove the ring. Is your
finger a key holder?
(5)You have slept with over 10 girls
without protection yet you go to the
barbers shop with your personal clipper.
What are you preventing?
(6) Guys always know who their heart
belongs to, so if you like cook chicken in
diamond sauce or do monkey style in
bed, if it's not you, it can't b u.
(7) In America wen a couple go to bed
dey say "Good nights my love" In Britain
"Sweet dreams darling" In Nigeria "Did u
lock d Gate, doors & windows?
(8) You cannot say "I can't date you, I
have a boyfriend" and be asking for
money from him. Gt-bank staff cannot
receive salary from UBA bank!
(9) My name is A'square, I used my friend
to set up my girlfriend to see if she'll
cheat on me. Now they've sent me
weeding Invitation. What AM I?
(A) Learner
(B)God sent
(C) Fool
(10) No Guy will ever tell a Lady "i ve a
Girlfriend" when asking her out. Their
National Anthem is "we had issues &
we've broken up".
(11) Welcome to Nigeria where the
government is responsible and blamed for
every damn things. if mosquito bite you,
you will blame the government.
(12) No guy is single,you either snatch
him from someone or share him with
someone, the most important thing is to
be the highest Shareholder.
(13) I woke up today,someone
somewhere just took their last breath.
Thank You God for blessing me more than
I deserve
(14) 35yr old first class graduate without
job and u dey follow Lil'Wayne sing 'I
Ain't Got no worries, your life is on SOS
(15) Idiot girl said: "I dated him for
GOOD 10 years and he broke my heart"
fool, what's GOOD in the years?
Sex won't make him love u
(b) A baby won't make him stay. If you're
doubting me, kindly ask TUFACE
(17) No matter how nice you are to a
goat, it will still eat your yam.
18) You make his 'Dick' hard, u carry him
enter room, he don off shirt, then u shout
April Fool... My sister, he will RAPE ur
(19)What shall it profit a girl to have all
the Brazilian hair in the whole world and
still lose her boyfriend to a girl on low a
(20) Kill an American citizen and 1 million
policemen will be deployed to search for
u but kill 1 million Nigerians U will be
invited for amnesty
(21)Don't act like you have it all, even
rich men beg for pen in the bank.
(22) No matter how big ur house is,How
recent your car is,or how huge ur bank
account is, Our grave is still gonna be the
same size, stay humble.
(23)No Matter How Pretty Or Cute your
Face Might Be,you Will Still Be the Food
For Worms. Set your Arrogance Aside and
Remember 6 Feet. No one lives for Ever....
is either the girl is new or the car is new.
(2) A guy asked u for sex and u asked,
"Do u Love me?". What do u expect him
to say, or Are U a LEARNER ?
(3) Half naked girls are hot,while well
dressed girls are beautiful. Hell is hot,
while heaven is beautiful. the choice is
(4)You have been engaged to him for 4
years and no wedding is forth coming.
Please kindly remove the ring. Is your
finger a key holder?
(5)You have slept with over 10 girls
without protection yet you go to the
barbers shop with your personal clipper.
What are you preventing?
(6) Guys always know who their heart
belongs to, so if you like cook chicken in
diamond sauce or do monkey style in
bed, if it's not you, it can't b u.
(7) In America wen a couple go to bed
dey say "Good nights my love" In Britain
"Sweet dreams darling" In Nigeria "Did u
lock d Gate, doors & windows?
(8) You cannot say "I can't date you, I
have a boyfriend" and be asking for
money from him. Gt-bank staff cannot
receive salary from UBA bank!
(9) My name is A'square, I used my friend
to set up my girlfriend to see if she'll
cheat on me. Now they've sent me
weeding Invitation. What AM I?
(A) Learner
(B)God sent
(C) Fool
(10) No Guy will ever tell a Lady "i ve a
Girlfriend" when asking her out. Their
National Anthem is "we had issues &
we've broken up".
(11) Welcome to Nigeria where the
government is responsible and blamed for
every damn things. if mosquito bite you,
you will blame the government.
(12) No guy is single,you either snatch
him from someone or share him with
someone, the most important thing is to
be the highest Shareholder.
(13) I woke up today,someone
somewhere just took their last breath.
Thank You God for blessing me more than
I deserve
(14) 35yr old first class graduate without
job and u dey follow Lil'Wayne sing 'I
Ain't Got no worries, your life is on SOS
(15) Idiot girl said: "I dated him for
GOOD 10 years and he broke my heart"
fool, what's GOOD in the years?
Sex won't make him love u
(b) A baby won't make him stay. If you're
doubting me, kindly ask TUFACE
(17) No matter how nice you are to a
goat, it will still eat your yam.
18) You make his 'Dick' hard, u carry him
enter room, he don off shirt, then u shout
April Fool... My sister, he will RAPE ur
(19)What shall it profit a girl to have all
the Brazilian hair in the whole world and
still lose her boyfriend to a girl on low a
(20) Kill an American citizen and 1 million
policemen will be deployed to search for
u but kill 1 million Nigerians U will be
invited for amnesty
(21)Don't act like you have it all, even
rich men beg for pen in the bank.
(22) No matter how big ur house is,How
recent your car is,or how huge ur bank
account is, Our grave is still gonna be the
same size, stay humble.
(23)No Matter How Pretty Or Cute your
Face Might Be,you Will Still Be the Food
For Worms. Set your Arrogance Aside and
Remember 6 Feet. No one lives for Ever....