Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Don't be Merciful than God.

Animals have the capacity to learn and Adapt but it largely depend on its instinct to connect to its environment and safe itself from danger. Humans in the other hand relies on their thinking and rationality to understand its environment and analyze situations but most times the human brain is slow, it cannot multitask and in most cases interrupted greatly by the emotions. Women are emotional being and when they are emotionally inclined into a relationship, even when a guy is playing a game or ill treat them, they are sure to endure and accept his pleas even when they know its all deception. Once or twice a guy misbehaves and his misbehavior is being treated with lavity, he is sure to take you for granted.
Create no middle ground, don't be more merciful than God, take the control back. And if a guy messes up, treat it right away, measure his offenses, know when to sanction, when to overlook and when to leave and never turn back to his life. That means you must know what you want from a man and have a real standards too. Let him be at your mercy not the other way round.


Sunday, December 27, 2015

Dont sell your apple so cheap


 It is true that little escapes our notice, because we are very visual people yet don't sell yourself cheap to him. Just like Inyanya, for most men all they want is your waist, and like Wizkid they want to see your body sleeping on their bed....... Chris Brown want to see you strip. With this in mind, guys believe this is 21st century when they get your apple product cheap in no time. With likes of whatapps, Facebook, Twitter, 2go, eskimo which opened a window for the low esteemed ladies to chat and feel among, for the shy to hook up individually with a guy avoiding a thousand eyes, it created a joint where the restrainted gal can hide away in the internet doing all sort and the lonely gal who converse in the joy of finding a soulmate but the ignorant and desperate ladies are being lured to a guys home and the rest is history. Some exchange nude pictures while some log it out online with cyber sex. This made the game easy for guys and they are having their way. Don't indulge in all this nonsense, it dwindles your class!!!


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Minding your heart

When you glorify a figure in your mind as regards a prospective spouse, you make it difficult to see the one God is showing you. As humans, we are easily carried away when we see a figure that resembles the one in our mind, we often get excited when we see them and let our heart be won at no price.
This people might be acting out a scene that suits you, but not the actual fit for your life. For your Life is not about people who act true but about people who remain true in your life.

As a friend Funke Temitope rightly said, "Your LIFE is a PUZZLE, don’t waste your time trying to place people where they don’t fit." can't put a square peg in a round hole. Desperation, loneliness, external influences and impatience may not allow you to be objective.

But bear in mind, Everything that you want in life have been pre-ordered by your maker, they may not be coming with a price tag, but when you lose them, you will know the cost.


Relationship promises

Before you make him your knight in shinning armour and give  him a night he won't even remember or count your name in his long list of fallen souls. Mind you, Precious souls have fallen by this kind of words and seduction.

You have to synchronize his promises to know if you are sitting in the eye of the storm or painting a rainbow pattern in Paradise, because a promise is different from delivery. Some times promise could be a person's name, you can never know what it is until you see it in the present. Wait until it is delivered before deciding to throw out your royal flush or not, depending if he fulfilled a promise of sealing the union with a ring.

Mind you, some promises are designed to raise false hope And eventually break a heart. Watch for consistency in his words or lack of it and make sure he is seriously fulfilling many of his promises. Happy new week Zobo filled with Goodnews


Relationship Alert

We fall into a wrong relationship not that we lack discerning power. Most times we go into a relationship because we are impatient, doubtful of ever meeting a good guy/lady; lonely and self-deceptive.

The first step of getting it right in a relationship is deciding not to deceive yourself, at that moment, your instinct will get louder inside of you. The flowery spectacles clouding your judgement will be worn away, then love is no longer blind but sees clearly. The Veil of vanity covering your understanding making you look at the surface will be unveiled. There and then You will know a good thing when you see one, even when it is covered with muds. You will also know that all that glitters are not gold. And in most cases raw gold need to be stripped of its scraps through fire(challenges) to look attractive.


The creator

The Creator planted human species and the enemy sent aliens in form of arrogant bad guys to invade the earth and steal the heart of our ladies and break it, men like me can't allow that happen. Am here to equip our ladies to be able to win big in this alien invasion.

But Perception made it difficult to differentiate falsehood from the truth. Facts have it that the arrogant bad guys gets all the date and good-treat from ladies. But as long as ladies complain about being tricked by a bad guy, they will consciously dream of a nice guy but unconsciously fall for the very good bad guys. Its the charm, the bad guy has the pixie dust.

Ladies, Immune your spirit from their charm, free spiritedness is power.  Confidence is attractive no doubt but don’t make the error of assuming dominant behavior is an expression of true confidence. The bad guys are aliens, ladies look for a guy with a human soul. A kind spirit.

Guys who try to assert control over others are weak, not strong. True strength is not big muscles, macho physique but true strength is within: a man's strength to control the storms within: his anger, his control over the need to be verbally cruel and  flinging all around.


21st Century Relationship

This is 21st century, an era where virtually everything can be learnt, love inclusive, love is no longer magical the way our forefathers and fathers perceived it, it is psychological and could be studied as a social science or as an art. As a love scientist and philosopher I have come to teach you how every human relationship can be born:

Every of human relationship is born, first, out of visual attraction and outward appealing traits exhibited by people. It mattered less about how superlative your inner qualities. Your appearance must be twice as nice.

According to #FTG, If you're not superlative on the outside, a person may never know how inherently virtuous you are. The reason be that, you must first have an appealing attraction before character validation.

 This is commonly the nature of a male figure. Men are visual creatures that they are designed to be moved, first, by what they See.

They will like to admire in less cases the original beauty of a lady and in most cases the superficial beauty and attractive endowments of the female folks before any form of content validation or character evaluation.

Friend, in realistic standpoint, it is impossible to see through a lady's inherent virtues without contacts and interactions. Unless one is possessed with Higher Spirit.

Men are seekers, that's why the Bible said the man that finds a good wife, finds a good thing, he will not appreciate your inner goodness without outward validation, So ladies get dressed but not in nudity, or masquerading awkwardly. There should be moderation in all things. But when he comes, don't forget your standards, your beauty originally or superficially can attract him but your attitude will determine the next level.


Men and women

When human species fall short of God's glory, they became physically bound and not spiritually tied. He now became sense based and could serve only his interest and not that of another. Not having a real standard, human became inherently perversed, our perception often become our greatest enemy, we play down the truth and move to embrace the illusion.

Where interest abound, it is no longer a common interest but personal interest but we cannot spiritually discern that which is ours, we only aim for what is sensually appealing to us and set for our target with our knowledge and the resources in our disposal. A clash of interest could mean war, a threat.....we draw a battleline and fight with our fellow man kind, what some animals won't even try.

In looking for love, we look at the surface since our spiritual radar looks gloomy, we look for momentary satisfaction and comfort and not eternal fulfilment. And live a relationship of endurance and not of enjoyment. That's how we live but that's not the original plan.

God is not concerned about our physical, strategical and  material strength, His concern is our spiritual immaturity to express love. We erred, thats why some cry foul about Heartbreaks, its no one's fault either that you refuse to be spiritually intelligent to deflate the coming fire consuming you in the name of love. only God can save us. Jesus is the way, the truth and life of true love. .


Young Ladies Quote.

Young women of Jerusalem, I charge you: do not stir up or awaken love until the appropriate time.

(Song Of Solomon 8:4)

To court means to woo and to woo means to seek the love of another with marriage in mind and not otherwise, but recently courting has been getting a second look by some who seem to notice the pitfalls in today’s dating scene.

Steady one-on-one dating at too young an age with no goal of marriage in sight can lead to problems and temptations which young people not yet matured in love stood to abuse the principles of love, hence not encouraged. Even adults who enter into relationship with the hidden motive to cheat is another enemy of true love. Women have to be very careful!!!

(Marriageagle age starts from 18+. Of course, courting isn’t the starting place for those not of marriageable age, i suggest both party should strike up friendship first, to learn about each others strength and weaknesses, hopes and dreams, beliefs and faith, then elevate to courtship if they are compactable. But, the natural alternative today is a group outing with less stress, less emotional attachment and still enough time to chat and compare personalities.)

A date may sound good in our era and could replace the friendship process but when approached with the wrong attitude, is reckless frivolity, while courting aims at marriage, dating becomes a deception, a reception where young ladies are lured into heartbreak. Guide your heart with diligence and know which is which. Paul warned Timothy " :Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure hear" and the right spouse for you will surface. When you mistake youthly lust to be real love, after the heartbreak, you will also mistake real love to be lust.


Century's quote

21 century is well loaded with technologies, Facebook, Twitter, whatsapp, Cars  that hurry us and our love messages to our destinations at speeds Roman chariot drivers could only dream of. Young people now have the freedom to court, develop friendships and, hopefully, focus on the one person who will become their mate for life. Arranged marriages are no longer the custom in our society today.

However, with this freedom have come dangers: A social media full of fake people, young people with lack of self-control, surging hormones and the effects of a society with declining moral values threaten to ruin the positive future of true love. Wrong choices by many today have, all too often, led to devastating emotional scars, issues with trust and relationship built on lies most especially ladies who aim after physique, facial appearance, comfort and money instead of enterprising, determined and God fearing men.

Children born out of wedlock without the loving surrounding of a happy family are but one example of what a lack of self-control and a lack of understanding of God’s Word and way of life can bring. Young people should brace up morally and spiritually to be able not to fall victim of the epidemic of 21st century.


For Ladies

Ladies, If you think adorning your body with layers of makeup, jewelries and fancy clothes can achieve you a better man, you are just deceiving yourself. If you don't feed the spirit and your mind, you will be left alone with your emotions which is not dependable most of the time and so deceptive.

Now, there is no DECEPTION greater than when you're so emotionally-bound, to the extent that you're unable to recognize what your true needs are, what's for you, and what God's BEST is for your life. You are just ready to compromise your standards.

When the rich sophisticated man shows up, will all you only think about be the comfit and pleasure forgetting his character flaws: his cruelty with people, his arrogance, his inability to tame his eye off the big booty gals.

Then when a guy sees a pretty lady with a voluptuous body we really want to walk her down the aisle, neglecting her pride, Her lack of good conduct and emptiness.

Don't be in the league of unwise men and women, they allowed their emotions to do the selection for them because he looks good and speaks well, only for them to find themselves in the hand of another cheat. Infact in an instable marriage.


Sunday, December 13, 2015

It's your decision

"The ideal way of love doesn't just seem real to anyone. We love to follow the trend and it always lead our relationship into its sudden end."
~Michael Mbuko~

The decisions we made at our teen age.....made all the difference in our life: the deception of that relationship, the sex without genuine intimacy leaving us heartbroken are the actions those unguarded decisions provoked, it had impacts on us such that most ladies made a lifelong conclusion that all guys are the same. Which is wrong.

Coupled with Some of you with already made up mind not to go out with a certain class of guys. This thought pattern limits your dreams of getting it right in a relationship. It is no ones fault that you didn't make the most value out of that relationship, its so unfortunate that even up till now our relationships are being forged just the way culture wants it, or the way our appetite wanted it or the way our environment likes it, the way society does it, you may make a mess out of every relationship just like that because all this things are prone to change. Look for the ideal way of loving and to be loved.

You have to stop and catch yourself. Expressing love and feeling connected to God and others constitute the main purpose of our existence. Can you say your life reflects a much bigger plan that is God's creation? Rubbing minds together with God in the pages of His scriptures enlightens our soul with passion and power us to express and act upon our positive innermost feelings(Love, joy, peace) as we follow our divine mission and on thesame way we shall meet that appointed spouse designed exclusively for you, there and then their color, class, culture, history and tribe won't matter to you. All that matters is the fulfillment in helping each other become that which God wants each of you to be.


Respect Call

The respect you command is to the rate you asked for it. Become the commander and command respect with your acts and manners. Always know that people want to know if you can handle your powers by your ability to distinct simplicity and foolishness. This two concept is misunderstood to be the same in the mind of some human species.
 You define it by being free but apprehend an offender when he or she over steps their boundary.... Most time people tend to be testing waters and when you don't take prompt action, be very sure you will do that at the cost of your respect.

You command respect by making your own rules and don't allow to be toyed around by people;
By not having a middle ground, don't waver, don't sit on the fence.
By protecting your integrity, by being honest at all times.
